To ensure proper knowledge representation of the kitchen environment, it is vital for kitchen robots to recognize the states of the food items that are being cooked. Although the domain of object detection and recognition has been extensively studied, the task of object state classification has remained relatively unexplored. The high intra-class similarity of ingredients during different states of cooking makes the task even more challenging. Researchers have proposed adopting Deep Learning based strategies in recent times, however, they are yet to achieve high performance. In this study, we utilized the self-attention mechanism of the Vision Transformer (ViT) architecture for the Cooking State Recognition task. The proposed approach encapsulates the globally salient features from images, while also exploiting the weights learned from a larger dataset. This global attention allows the model to withstand the similarities between samples of different cooking objects, while the employment of transfer learning helps to overcome the lack of inductive bias by utilizing pretrained weights. To improve recognition accuracy, several augmentation techniques have been employed as well. Evaluation of our proposed framework on the `Cooking State Recognition Challenge Dataset' has achieved an accuracy of 94.3%, which significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art.
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自动许可板识别系统旨在提供从视频帧中出现的车辆检测,本地化和识别车牌字符的解决方案。但是,在现实世界中部署此类系统需要在低资源环境中实时性能。在我们的论文中,我们提出了一种双级检测管线与视觉API配对,提供实时推理速度以及始终如一的准确检测和识别性能。我们使用Haar-Cascade分类器作为骨干MobileNet SSDv2检测模型顶部的过滤器。这仅通过专注于高置信度检测并使用它们来识别来减少推理时间。我们还施加了一个时间帧分离策略,以区分同一夹子中的多个车辆牌照。此外,没有公开的Bangla许可证板数据集,我们创建了一个图像数据集和野外包含许可板的视频数据集。我们在图像数据集上培训了模型,并达到了86%的AP(0.5)得分,并在视频数据集上测试了我们的管道,并观察到合理的检测和识别性能(82.7%的检测率,60.8%OCR F1得分)具有真实 - 时间处理速度(每秒27.2帧)。
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在许多应用程序中,检测异常行为是新兴的需求,尤其是在安全性和可靠性是关键方面的情况下。尽管对异常的定义严格取决于域框架,但它通常是不切实际的或太耗时的,无法获得完全标记的数据集。使用无监督模型来克服缺乏标签的模型通常无法捕获特定的特定异常情况,因为它们依赖于异常值的一般定义。本文提出了一种新的基于积极学习的方法Alif,以通过减少所需标签的数量并将检测器调整为用户提供的异常的定义来解决此问题。在存在决策支持系统(DSS)的情况下,提出的方法特别有吸引力,这种情况在现实世界中越来越流行。尽管常见的DSS嵌入异常检测功能取决于无监督的模型,但它们没有办法提高性能:Alif能够通过在常见操作期间利用用户反馈来增强DSS的功能。 Alif是对流行的隔离森林的轻巧修改,在许多真实的异常检测数据集中,相对于其他最先进的算法证明了相对于其他最先进算法的出色性能。
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